Steven Viera standing near a tree smile

Steven Viera chose his destiny at a young age. He grew up in the same small town as New Jersey’s favorite son–music legend Bruce Springsteen–and Steve rapturously listened to songs by The Boss throughout his childhood. Steve knew that Bruce spoke directly to him through his music, dispensing rock ‘n roll wisdom for a boy whose dreams were bigger than the place where he found himself. He resolved that, like Bruce, he was born to run: not only to venture beyond his hometown and chase horizons, but to paint the world with his ideas. This website is his first step.

Steven Viera graduated cum laude from Franklin & Marshall College with a B.A. in history as well as a minor in sociology. The first person in his family to attend college, Steve participated in a number of campus activities and rose to positions of leadership, including president of the Penn Eta chapter of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, president of the Black Pyramid Senior Honor Society, and managing editor of the campus newspaper, The College Reporter.

Steven Viera has spent his career building bridges between people and the world around them. As an account executive for a startup combining marketing, technology, and public relations, Steve created content for multiple platforms that positioned clients as leaders in their fields and attracted audiences to their brand; eventually, he moved into a management position, where he applied his creativity to improving operations for the fast-paced organization and helping his team achieve breakthrough results. Steve has also worked as a writing tutor and staff writer for a regional newspaper.

Steven Viera loves to lose himself in books, movies, TV shows, and video games that take him on adventures or teach him something new. When he isn’t turning pages or indulging in some screen time, Steve enjoys traveling, spending time with friends, going for meandering walks, and recently, he’s started sketching again for the first time since he was a kid. Steve also admires Japan and is trying to teach himself Japanese language as well as the ancient art of bonsai!

What Is Plus Ultra?

Steven Viera is a student of history and takes inspiration from the lessons of the past. This intellectual curiosity led Steve to learn about Carlos I of Spain and his personal motto: plus ultra, Latin for “further beyond.” Carlos used the phrase to describe the sheer size and power of his empire, but Steve, lacking any kingdoms or subjects of his own, finds inspiration in the motto’s philosophical implications. Steve aspires to live a life that takes him further beyond.